Since the time that I've moved into my current residence,I haven't been following the idiot box( except an hour on Sundays...thanks to Desperate Housewives).....blame it on lack of time or enthusiasm!!!!So it was indeed more than a welcome change when i decided to step into the "hallowed" tv room last week...
Though a part of me desperately wanted to break the monotony (!!!???;))of life, the other could in no way force me to watch what a certain Ms. Kapoor calls the K-factor....With due respect to madame Kapoor,I cannot figure out how a 60year old hero (you have to logically calculate the time leaps to believe me)can marry his "friend" and still look like he's ready for a long-awaited honeymoon....and mind you it may be his 5th time...:)
Compromising with the situation and my PG-mates' choice...we zeroed on watching "reality shows".....Ah!!!that's nothing short of the "kramas"(That s how they call drama with the K factor you see)..I admit.
So we tuned in to this musical contest meant for kids below 15...sounds harmless and cute...doesn't it? So far so good..... Really talented kids show casing their vocal brilliance...and this "terrific trio"(thats what the anchor calls them) judging with an apparent facade of justice and fair play...
And yesterday this really small(literally!!) child was eliminated on what they all a "frightful friday".....everyone 's here consoling her....and the drama unfolds.....her mother(who's been coy and nice about the contest so far) shrieks out......pulls the mike.... pays absolutely no heed to her husband / daughter's protest....and complains aloud about how baseless the contest is...
I agree its human nature to call grapes sour under such circumstances....but the riot she created on the set was.....well ridiculously hilarious!!!Imagine the small child pulling her mother out of the stage ....judges and authorities trying to thaw her down....and she yells awfully loud about the contest's futility.....I mean how funny can people get???
I couldn't help but fall off my chair thinking how such people claim to be adults....who do not have basic control over their emotions....I'm sure her child holds a much saner head over her shoulders than her mom...Kudos to the child..!!!
I totally enjoyed the drama yesterday.....I'm sure TRPs have soared ...thanks to the lady's wrath.And what seems more interesting was that the channel authorities have realised it too....I'll conclude with what they promised at the end of the show last night...."to be continued....";)