Sunday, March 01, 2009

To my fairy!

"It is never death because they live in your heart forever."

She was forever my friend for life!My childhood transcended into youth in her dreams were born with her....they evolved into their chrysalis with her touch..Her stories made my eyes grow wider and my fantasies soar higher....

I know she loved me the most ,though she never spoke it aloud....she never did...she never expressed herself in words...She was like my deepest feeling which is subtle but is very special....the void of which drains the vitality out of you...such was her presence.

No one's going to whisper sweet bedtime stories to me any one's going to dream about my future as she one's going to pray for me silently and lovingly as did my grandmother....I miss you didu!

You're going to be a part of my life whatever I do or say,you'll be with me...guiding me and taking me through the terrains forever....
I love you....May you find peace...


AMIT said...

Oh heart Touched.

Meridian real estate

Ire said...

I am not sure who you are talking about here. I hope you are doing fine now.

Priyanka Sarkar said...

my grandmother:(
ya trying to cope up